Nuprid Oil 004 Ce

Nuprid oil 004 ce is approved for treatments of apple plum cherry apricot peach and vine in nurseries young plantations and fruit during vegetative rest at 1 5.
Nuprid oil 004 ce. Nuprid oil 004 ce este un produs ce contine 4 g l imidacloprid sub formă de concentrat emulsionabil. Vegetative resting on trees is the period of time between the fall of the leaves late autumn and the beginning of the deforestation early spring. Nuprid oil 004 ce este un insecticid care contine 4 g l imidacloprid sub forma de concentrat emulsionabil. Se prezinta sub forma unui lichid limpede omogen incolor dar cu miros specific.
Actioneaza prin contact prin ingestie si pe cale respiratorie in combaterea multor specii de insecte acarieni si afide din plantatiile pomicole si viticole.